

Activated charcoal toothpaste: does charcoal whiten teeth?

What could be better than a gleaming smile full of beautiful pearly whites? A healthy smile with shiny white teeth is high on everyone’s list when it comes to personal care. But for many of us, staining means that the colour of our teeth isn’t as we’d like it. It's available in many commercial toothpastes, but does activated charcoal whiten teeth?


Agaricus blazei: benefits, uses and side effects

Interested in diving a little deeper into the world of medicinal mushrooms? In this article, we introduce you to the fabulous agaricus blazei fungus. We’ll cover its potential health benefits, plus give you some inspiration on how to include the mushroom in your diet.


All about Jerusalem artichoke

The free-thinking Beat poet Allen Ginsberg once said, "We're all golden sunflowers inside." Adding Jerusalem artichoke to your diet might just be the way to make his words a reality...


Almond oil benefits

Almonds make an appearance in the Old Testament, leading historians to conclude that this nut (which is actually a seed!) was one of the earliest foods humans harvested. Discover almond oil benefits for your body and skin.


Amaranth FAQs

It may be a petite-sized grain, but its uses and benefits are endless. It can be popped, drizzled, cooked, and baked. Whether you’ve never heard of it or want to know a bit more, we have the answers to your amaranth FAQs.


Amaranth vs quinoa: which is the healthier choice?

In recent years we’ve been delighted to see the number of whole grains appearing on the shelves increasing. Not just in our local health food shops, but also mainstream supermarkets. It’s so wonderful to see all these under-appreciated ancient grains make a such a welcome return.


Amla benefits, uses and side effects

Amla, or Indian gooseberry, is immensely important in Ayurvedic medicine and has also attracted modern research. Find out about amla benefits.


Apricot kernel oil benefits

Rich in polyphenols and monounsaturated fats, apricot kernel oil benefits range from skincare to circulatory health.


Are folate and folic acid the same thing?

Folic acid supplements are especially important in pregnancy. But what about folate - and are folate and folic acid the same thing? In this article we’ll take you through everything you need to know about both nutrients. Plus, we’ll discuss why they’re so important in pregnancy and what other health benefits they have.


Aronia health benefits

Aronia health benefits include supple, glowing skin and a huge dose of antioxidants. Find out more about this nutritious berry - and why you should make it a staple in your pantry.