

Sea buckthorn: menopause natural remedy?

Sea buckthorn, a bright little berry which grows on a shrub in coastal and high altitude areas, has been hailed as a health food for lots of reasons. However, this unassuming fruit has gained popularity in recent years as one of several menopause natural remedies. Let’s take a look at how sea buckthorn can help ease the symptoms of menopause and the science behind the claims.



Self care Sunday with Eleonora Gendelman

When it comes to self-care, who better to seek advice from than a yogi? Eleonora Gendelman has been practicing and teaching yoga for years and has picked up plenty of tips and tricks along the way. Together, we’re planning the self-care Sunday of your dreams. Read on for activities, tips and tricks to include in your next self-care day!



Setting resolutions for a happy and healthy new year

Welcome to 2021! As we wind down from the excitement of Christmas and the New Year, January is often a time we use to refocus and set intentions for the coming year. While setting new year’s resolutions can be a great way to start the new year with a positive attitude, it can also cause us to put pressure on ourselves. Luckily, transformation coach Natalia is on hand to tell us how to set goals for a healthy new year.



Should I take a fibre supplement?

What's the link between fibre, food and gut health: everything you need to know about whether or not you should take a fibre supplement.



Should I try intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting, is it healthy or dangerous? Is it easy or hard? Find out what science and experience says.



Sustainable packaging: How we create ours

Now more than ever, we’re starting to understand how much of an impact our discarded rubbish makes on the planet. Sustainable packaging is absolutely key to making sure our business doesn’t damage the environment. So, let’s take a look at our packaging, how we make it, and our plans to become even more sustainable in the future.

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Taking control of your mood with priming

Priming is the idea of exposing yourself to an idea that influences your behaviour later on, without you even knowing! It is used widely in meditation, and carries tremendous mental benefits.

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The 4 types of PMS symptoms and their natural remedies

If you’re someone who menstruates, you are probably all too familiar with PMS symptoms! The hormonal changes our bodies go through can cause all kinds of unwanted physical and psychological symptoms, both mild and severe. Luckily, however, there are steps you can take to alleviate them. In this article, we’ll look at the different types of PMS and the most effective ways to ease their symptoms. We’ll also cover some more general PMS remedies to help you feel better at that time of the month.



The truth about calorie counting for weight loss

Calorie counting to lose weight is perhaps one of the most utilised methods of weight loss. Whilst it may work under certain circumstances, at what cost? What is the truth about calorie counting for weight loss?



The truth about fad diets

Fad diets make empty promises and lure you into thinking that they can fix all your problems overnight. Unfortunately, that is never the case. Let’s uncover the truth about fad diets.
