

How to take triphala

As one of the most important herbal preparations in the Ayurvedic tradition, practitioners believe triphala offers us a bounty of potential health benefits. Yet to harness these, we first need to know exactly how to take triphala. This article goes into more detail about what triphala is and how it can boost wellbeing. We’ll then explain the most effective ways to use it. By the end, you should be ready to enjoy the advantages of this potent polyherbal remedy for yourself!



How to test for gluten intolerance

There is a lot of hype around gluten-free products and myths around the effects of gluten on health, but for those of us who are sensitive to gluten, how do you test for gluten intolerance?



How to use reishi mushroom powder

Interested in harnessing the benefits of reishi but not sure how to get started? In this article we discuss the ins and outs of how to use reishi mushroom powder, from making traditional tea to indulging in a health-boosting hot chocolate. Hopefully this will help you figure out the best way to include this revered fungus in your diet.



Introducing our in-house nutritionist, Bianca Barbi!

Trying to figure out the foods we should eat or avoid, and how to get in tune with our bodies’ needs, can be pretty overwhelming. That’s why enlisting the help of a nutritionist can be really helpful; not only can they help you understand the big picture, but they can also advise you on your own personal diet. Knowing how important it is to rely on expert advice, we’re delighted to be bringing Bianca Barbi on board as our resident nutritionist! Let’s get to know her…



Is a low carb diet healthy?

Low carb diets, keto, Atkins…we have all heard about these dietary patterns, but what are the implications for our health? And is a low carb diet healthy?



Is a low fat diet healthy?

Low-fat diets were once believed to be the solution for weight loss and heart health. But science has progressed and nowadays the status quo is up for debate. The question we ask: is a low-fat diet healthy?

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Is caffeine bad for you?

We all probably know at least one person who needs their daily coffee fix! There is a lot of conflicting information about caffeine and its health impact. But is caffeine really bad for you?

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Is gluten bad for you?

Recent years have seen a surge in demand for gluten-free products. Many consumers choose to avoid it because they are intolerant, but many more give it up as a lifestyle choice. Is gluten bad for you?



Is granola good for you?

Back in the day, yoghurt and granola was our favourite healthy breakfast. But with refined sugar and processed fats on some ingredients lists, is granola good for you?



Is keto bad for you?

Keto diets have become very popular for weight loss in recent years. However, there are potential health consequences that you should be aware of before giving into this fad.
