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Frequently asked questions


Powerful polysaccharides

We want to ensure our mushrooms have the highest possible nutritional value. That’s why we cultivate our Agaricus blazei on a specially designed organic substrate and have it tested by an independent quality checker. As such, we can guarantee that our powder is 100% pure mushroom and contains over 30% health-supporting polysaccharides, as well as potent antioxidants.


Add a little wellness to your cup

Blend a 1/4-tsp of our Agaricus blazei extract into warm beverages such as coffee, tea, or hot chocolate. Alternatively, add it into dishes like stews, soups, and risottos to impart a pleasing earthy, nutty essence with subtle notes of almond. You can take Agaricus blazei twice daily for a span of 6 to 8 weeks, then pause to enable your body to regain balance.


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