14 Oct 2024

Aloe vera during pregnancy: is it safe? Benefits and potential risks

authorWritten by Ashley Owen
There are several ingredients which, although perfectly harmless normally – and even health-enhancing – are not suitable for use when pregnant. Today, we're exploring whether aloe vera is one of them. Is aloe vera juice safe during pregnancy when you drink it? Is aloe vera juice safe during pregnancy when you apply it topically? Let’s find out.

All about aloe vera

Before asking ‘is aloe vera juice safe during pregnancy?’, we should talk about the plant itself. Aloe vera is a type of succulent, with thick, fleshy leaves that store water. Succulents adapted to survive in tough, arid environments prone to drought. This makes them relatively easy houseplants to look after, as they’ll forgive you for forgetting to water them! You can recognise aloe vera by its long, spiky, grey-green leaves, which grow in a rosette shape and feel almost waxy. It also has clusters of tube-like yellow flowers that bloom from a central stem.

However, aloe vera is more than simply a low-maintenance addition to your home. People have been using the plant medicinally for hundreds of years. In fact, Ancient Egyptians referred to it as ‘the plant of immortality’ – Cleopatra even used it in her beauty routine.(1) And the use of aloe vera for health purposes continues to this day. So, it’s only natural to want to know is aloe vera juice safe during pregnancy.

You’ll notice we’re focusing on aloe vera juice. That’s because it’s this, as well as a thicker gel version, that comprises most aloe vera products. You get aloe vera juice from the plant’s leaves, with both whole leaf and inner leaf juices available. We’ll explain below why we recommend inner leaf juice, but first, let’s talk about the benefits of the ingredient. Is aloe vera drink good for pregnancy? What about other conditions? Prior to asking is aloe vera juice safe during pregnancy, it’s important to understand why you’d want to take it. Here’s how the plant could support wellbeing.

The wellness benefits of aloe vera juice

There are two ways that you can use aloe vera: orally and topically. To begin with, we’re going to focus on the advantages of drinking aloe vera juice. Then we’ll consider the question ‘is aloe vera juice safe during pregnancy?’.

Aloe vera is bursting with potent plant compounds that support wellness. These include polyphenols that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, helping to protect us against oxidative stress and chronic inflammation.(2) Research has linked both to numerous harmful health conditions, so this is a wide-ranging potential advantage of the plant.

In addition, aloe vera contains polysaccharides such as acemannan, which research indicates could benefit wellbeing in several ways. For instance, studies have revealed that acemannan may support the immune system by activating immune cells like macrophages.(3) Experts also believe that it acts as a prebiotic, nourishing the good bacteria in your gut.(4) This has potential benefits for everything from immunity to brain health and even mood.

Consuming aloe vera might aid your digestive system in other ways too. Some studies have found that the plant helps to ease symptoms of conditions like irritable bowel syndrome and acid reflux.(5) Further investigation is necessary to confirm these findings though.

Research also suggests that drinking aloe vera juice assists with blood glucose management. Trials have shown the ingredient can improve blood sugar levels and blood fatty acid levels in people with pre-diabetes.(6) However, results on its benefits for those who already have diabetes have been mixed.

Interestingly, aloe vera may be beneficial for your dental health thanks to its antibacterial properties. Studies have even shown that it can be as effective as chemically formulated mouthwashes.(7)

So far, so impressive. But is aloe vera juice safe during pregnancy?

Is aloe vera juice safe during pregnancy?

Here’s where things get complicated. Underneath the outer rind of aloe vera leaves is a yellow, sap-like substance called latex. This has a different chemical composition to aloe vera juice. It contains anthraquinones, compounds which give the substance a bitter taste and laxative properties. This latex can also cause digestive discomfort in some people.(8) As such, opinions are mixed on whether it’s okay to use whole leaf aloe vera juice for issues like constipation.

So, how does this relate to the question ‘is aloe vera juice safe during pregnancy?’ Well, research has linked anthraquinones with an increased incidence of uterine contractions, which can raise the risk of miscarriage.(8) As a result, you should not consume whole leaf aloe vera juice if you’re pregnant. Similarly, you should also avoid the drink if you’re breastfeeding. This is because anthraquinones can pass to your baby through your milk, and potentially cause them to experience gastrointestinal issues.

It's worth noting that these problems are specifically related to whole leaf aloe vera juice. That’s because these products contain the latex part of the plant, where you find anthraquinones. With inner leaf aloe vera juice, on the other hand, producers remove the latex and outer rind.

This means the answer to the question ‘is aloe vera juice safe during pregnancy?’ depends on which juice you’re drinking. The dangers of aloe vera during pregnancy are associated with whole leaf juice. Conversely, inner leaf juice may offer some wellness benefits. However, if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, we strongly advise speaking to a medical professional before consuming any aloe vera product. This will help you make an informed decision about whether it’s right for you.

The benefits of using aloe vera topically

Up to now, we’ve concentrated on the benefits and risks of drinking aloe vera juice while pregnant. But what about using it topically? Is aloe vera juice safe during pregnancy if you apply it to your skin? And what are the potential advantages of doing so?

Aloe vera is something of a superstar when it comes to skincare. For example, the ingredient is renowned for its ability to soothe mild burns, including sunburn.(9) Evidence suggests it can help these wounds heal more quickly and successfully. This may be due to its anti-inflammatory properties, and because its polysaccharides work to stimulate skin growth and repair. It could even reduce the pain of burns as it does so.

In addition, aloe vera functions as a moisturiser, reducing dry skin and signs of ageing. In findings specifically relevant to pregnancy, evidence indicates that aloe vera helps prevent the itching and progression of stretch marks.(10)  

What’s really interesting is that drinking aloe vera juice can also benefit skin health. Adding the plant to your diet could promote collagen production and lessen the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.(11) However, due to the concerns around the question of is aloe vera juice safe during pregnancy, topical use is advisable.

Applying aloe vera topically might also support the health of your hair. One reason for this is that its anti-inflammatory and moisturising properties could reduce dry skin and irritation on your scalp. What’s more, the ingredient can gently cleanse your hair shafts to remove excess oil and residue from other hair products. That’s particularly beneficial for those who have oily hair. Simply massage aloe vera into your scalp, leave for about 30 minutes, then rinse and style your tresses as normal.

Can you use aloe vera topically when pregnant?

So, we know that aloe vera can have a positive effect on your skin. However, is aloe vera juice safe during pregnancy when applied topically? Thankfully, here the answer is more straightforward. Experts agree that using aloe vera on your skin in moderation is safe when pregnant and breastfeeding.(12) Of course, you should still take care to follow the instructions on your chosen product and not use too much. And we always recommend you speak to a doctor first. This will help to ensure that the ingredient is suitable for you and your individual needs.

Still uncomfortable using the ingredient because of the concerns around the question is aloe vera juice safe during pregnancy? Don’t worry, there are plenty of other natural and skin-friendly products you can try instead. These include cocoa butter, shea butter, and coconut oil. Whichever you choose, it’s advisable to do a patch test first. This involves applying a small amount of your chosen product to your wrist or inner elbow before use. Wait 24 hours to see if you have any kind of negative reaction – if not, you can proceed with confidence.


Wholesome pleasures

8.5 fl oz (Box of 6)

Organic Aloe Vera Juice

2 fl oz (Box of 12)

Organic Aloe Vera Shots

8.5 fl oz (Box of 6)

Organic Aronia Juice

2 fl oz (Box of 12)

Organic Aronia Shots