Amla and blueberry nice cream bowl

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Ice cream that benefits your wellbeing? Sounds too good to be true, right? Not with this amla and blueberry nice cream recipe! As nourishing as it is refreshing, this is the perfect sweet treat for warm summer days.

What is nice cream?

We’ve all heard of ice cream, but you might be wondering what on earth nice cream is! So, before we discuss how to make amla and blueberry nice cream, let’s talk a bit more about the dish. In essence, it’s simply a healthy blueberry ice cream. The term ‘nice cream’ refers to any wholesome alternative to normal ice cream. As well as being vegan, nice cream is generally free of added sugar, artificial flavourings and colourings, and preservatives. The origin of the dish is unclear, but it’s now taking the world by storm.

The dessert comes in many mouth-watering flavours, from blueberry nice cream to mango, strawberry, cherry, and even chocolate. However, it always has a base of frozen fruit. Perhaps the best way to think of it is as a cross between regular ice cream and sorbet. It combines the creamy texture of the former with the healthiness of the latter. What’s more, you don’t need any fancy ice cream-making equipment to whip up a bowl. All of which makes it easy to see why nice cream has become so popular! But why did we choose amla and blueberry nice cream in particular? Well, not only is this recipe delicious, it’s also great at boosting your wellbeing. Let’s take a closer look at some of the principal ingredients.

The beauty of blueberries

Native to North America, blueberries are now a firm favourite across the world. From blueberry muffins to blueberry nice cream, we use them in all kinds of delectable dishes. What’s interesting is that people have only been commercially cultivating the fruit since the beginning of the 20th century. Wild blueberries were an important food source for many Native Americans and First Nations peoples in Canada. The fruit also played a central role in their traditional medicine systems.

Then, in the early 1900s, the daughter of a cranberry farmer joined forces with a USDA botanist to cultivate blueberries. Together, they figured out how to successfully farm the fruit, and sold their first crop in 1916. So we have Elizabeth White and Frederick Colville to thank for our ability to make blueberry nice cream!

Blueberry health benefits

Blueberries add a gorgeous purple colour and subtle sweetness to this berry nice cream recipe. But that’s not all. The fruit also brings plenty of nutritional benefits to the dish. For starters, they’re high in key nutrients like vitamin K – which supports bone health and blood clotting – and manganese.

Interestingly, many of the benefits of choosing to make blueberry nice cream come from the fruit’s impressive antioxidant properties. Blueberries are rich in a group of flavonoids called anthocyanins, which give the fruit its deep purple-black colour. They also help to tackle free radicals. Studies show that blueberries can reduce DNA damage caused by oxidative stress.(1) This is key because oxidative stress may contribute to the development of harmful health conditions, and even signs of ageing.

To get more specific, the anthocyanins in this blueberry nice cream could benefit the health of your heart. First, they help to prevent the oxidation of ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol, which is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease.(2) Second, research suggests that the fruit can lower blood pressure, further protecting the heart and other organs.(3)

Blueberry anthocyanins might also have a positive effect on blood sugar management. Research has discovered that the fruit may significantly improve insulin sensitivity, potentially lowering the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.(4) And one study even found that blueberries help with muscle recovery after exercise, although we need further research to clarify this.(5)

Excitingly, evidence indicates that blueberries might be able to support brain health too. Studies have revealed that the fruit improves cognitive function in older people and delays mental ageing.(6) However, further investigation is necessary to discover if tucking into a blueberry nice cream bowl will help you think more clearly. We can always hope!

Boosting your blueberry nice cream

The blueberries aren’t the only ingredient bringing health benefits to this amla and blueberry nice cream bowl. In fact, everything we’ve included in the recipe has some value to offer. For example, bananas do more than simply provide a creamy base. They’re an excellent source of fibre, which supports digestive health and increases feelings of satiety. Bananas are also high in potassium, a key mineral for heart and muscle health.

Turning to the cocoa powder, this comes from beans the Mayans and Aztecs once used as currency. That should give you an idea of how impressive an addition to your blueberry nice cream this ingredient is! We’ll just mention a few of its many benefits to your wellbeing here.

First, studies show that cocoa flavanols can improve levels of nitric oxide in your blood.(7) This relaxes your blood vessels and enhances blood flow, lowering blood pressure and supporting heart health. What’s really interesting is that this could also be good for your brain. That’s because having a better blood supply to the brain may have a positive effect on our cognitive functions.(8) So this amla and blueberry nice cream could be a great choice on days when you need to focus!

Even the garnishes in this blueberry nice cream recipe play their part. Take chia seeds. Another favourite of the Aztecs and Mayans, these seeds may be tiny, but they’re a fabulous source of nutrition. For instance, they’re bursting with bone-friendly minerals like calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Chia seeds are additionally rich in fibre, protein and antioxidants, further supporting your overall wellbeing. But first, you need some blueberry nice cream to sprinkle them on! So let’s look at how to make it.

How to make this blueberry nice cream

To get started with your amla and blueberry nice cream, add one and a half chopped frozen bananas to a blender. Next, tip in a cup of frozen blueberries and pop in two tablespoons of peanut butter. After that, drizzle two or three teaspoons of honey into the mix. To make a completely vegan blueberry nice cream, swap this for agave nectar or a similar plant-based liquid sweetener.

Now we move on to our dry ingredients. Sprinkle in one and a half teaspoons of cocoa powder and one teaspoon of amla powder. We’ll talk more about this special ingredient shortly. Feel free to use cacao powder instead of cocoa to give your blueberry nice cream a slightly different flavour profile. Not to mention, cacao powder has even greater health benefits than cocoa does!

Blend your ingredients until the mixture is smooth, creamy, and a gorgeous purple hue. Then you’re ready to serve – making blueberry nice cream really is that simple! Spoon the dessert into bowls, then garnish with about a teaspoon of almond flakes. Sprinkle half a teaspoon of chia seeds on top, plus a touch more of your chosen liquid sweetener.

Finally, tip a handful of fresh blueberries onto the dessert and add a pinch of desiccated coconut. Along with the almond flakes, this provides a bright splash of white against the purple of the blueberry nice cream. Then you’re ready to tuck in! This dessert is best enjoyed straight away, before it warms up. However, if you want to save some for later, you can store it in an airtight container in the freezer.

All about amla

One key thing that sets this recipe apart from other types of frozen blueberry ice cream is the amla powder. It’s an unusual ingredient, but we’ve got some very good reasons for using it! Also known as Indian gooseberry, amla is a type of fruit that’s popular in Ayurvedic medicine. Yellow-green in colour and roughly golf ball-sized, they have a sour taste and offer plenty of health benefits.

Firstly, amla is exceptionally high in vitamin C.(9) This nutrient plays a number of key roles in our wellbeing, including boosting collagen production, immunity, and wound healing. Vitamin C is also a potent antioxidant, helping to protect our cells from free radical damage. Because of this, adding amla to your blueberry nice cream may support your immune system and reduce inflammation. By tackling oxidative stress and supporting the synthesis of collagen, amla could also help to keep your skin more youthful.(10)

Another potential benefit of using amla in your blueberry nice cream recipe is the fruit’s positive effects on heart health. Decreasing inflammation and fighting free radical damage can both lessen the risk of cardiovascular disease. But that’s not all. Research also suggests that amla may be able to lower blood pressure and help prevent the formation of blood clots.(11) The fruit might additionally work to improve cholesterol and triglyceride levels, further supporting cardiovascular health.(12)

Finally, as an adaptogen, amla has the ability to enable the mind and body to cope with stress more effectively. This involves boosting your resistance to both short-term and long-term stress of different kinds. That makes it a perfect addition to a bowl of blueberry nice cream at the end of a busy day!

Introducing our organic amla powder

Amla is not a fruit that’s readily available in our supermarkets. Luckily, however, taking it in powder form is an effective way to enjoy its benefits. Plus, it’s an easier option when it comes to making amla and blueberry nice cream! Of course, quality is a key consideration. That’s why we source ours directly from organic farms in India, where it’s been central to Ayurvedic medicine for generations.

Our team harvests the fruit in February, when its levels of vitamin C are at their highest. They sun-dry the amla, powder it, then pack it into environmentally friendly amber glass jars. We don’t add any filler ingredients or bulking agents like artificial colourings, flavourings, or preservatives. What you receive is 100% pure organic amla powder, ready to mix into your blueberry nice cream.

While we love this amla and blueberry nice cream recipe, there are plenty of other ways to enjoy the powder. Its bitter fruity flavour works well in a surprising number of drinks and dishes. For example, you could stir some into your favourite juices and smoothies to give them an extra burst of nutrition. Alternatively, take amla the traditional way by mixing it into warm plant-based milk or water with a touch of sweetener. This method helps to draw out the nutrients within the powder so that you can absorb them more easily. You also have the option of cooking with amla powder by stirring some into a bowl of soup or stew.

Please note that amla may not be suitable for people who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or on medication. The same is true if you have an existing health condition. We recommend speaking to a doctor before adding the fruit to your diet.

Customising your blueberry nice cream bowl

We’re sure you’ll love the refreshing taste and creamy texture of this amla and blueberry nice cream. However, you still have plenty of options for customising it if you want to mix things up a little. For example, you could swap some or all of the frozen blueberries for raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, or similar fruits. Essentially, you’re able to make any version of frozen berry ice cream you fancy! Similarly, you might like to switch the peanut butter for another type of nut butter for a subtle flavour shift.

And then there are the garnishes. You can top your amla and blueberry nice cream with pretty much any kind of fresh fruit you want. Alternatively, add some crushed walnuts to give the dish some crunch. You could also try swapping the chia seeds for hemp or sesame. All of which gives you the opportunity to truly make this dessert your own.

Whichever version of the recipe you follow, you’ll find amla and blueberry nice cream a fabulously colourful and delicious treat. It's the perfect choice when you’re looking for something that’s both nourishing and refreshing on a hot day!


  • 1 ½ frozen banana, sliced
  • 1 cup frozen blueberries
  • 1 tbsp peanut butter
  • 2-3 tsp honey
  • 1 ½ cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp Erbology Organic Amla Fruit Powder
  • 2 tsp almond flakes
  • 1 tsp chia seeds
  • 2-3 tbsp blueberries
  • 1 tsp desiccated coconut

Typical nutrition / serving

  • Serv. size: 250 g
  • Calories: 330 kcal
  • Total Fat: 14 g
  • Total Сarbohydrate: 52 g
  • Protein: 7 g

Here's how you make it

  1. Add the frozen banana slices to a blender or food proccesor together with the frozen blueberries, peanut butter, honey, cocoa powder and amla powder. Blend well until creamy, but be careful not to blend too much so the nice cream doesn't melt from the heat of the blender.
  2. Transfer the nice cream to serving bowls and top each bowl with almond flakes, chia seeds, blueberries and coconut. Enjoy!

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