Prep Time 25'
Total Time 30'
Prep Time 25'
Total Time 30'
There are few things as medicinal for us as making up a big pot of soup on a lazy, grey Sunday and enjoying it all the week through. Work lunches, a girlfriend coming to catch up over a bottle of red, a cosy evening in with an old movie and some dark chocolate… there are few occasions that aren’t ripened and made special by the perfect bowl of soup. If you are disciplined, you could even pop a container of soup into the freezer for times when you are too shattered to cook but those frayed nerves could really use some comfort. We’re nearly always too greedy to do that with our homemade soup, though. I suspect that the combination of beets and aronia berries was particularly created in heaven. Why in the world did it take us so long to discover it? We sure plan on making up for lost time though, with this delicious beetroot and aronia berries smoothie recipe up our sleeve as well. Both ingredients have an innate sweetness to them that is complemented further when they unite. The root vegetables in this beetroot soup – the parsnips and potatoes – as well as the cauliflower create a velvety texture that is deeply soothing. Leek, lemon, and caraway seeds add that essential bite, and we just can’t resist coconut milk. It makes everything it’s added to richly indulgent.
We are newly infatuated with topping our beetroot soup. From Italian gremolata to Mexican tortilla chips, avocado, and cilantro and French rouille, the right garnishes for soup can elevate a perfectly nourishing bowl to an elegant, complex dish. Similarly, in this recipe we’ve chosen to accentuate the earthy kindliness of the beetroot soup with a simple mushroom mixture. All in all – a winning mix of flavours and consistencies! Above all, taste comes first. However, if health benefits follow closely behind, then you’ve designed a triumphant creature.
Erbology Organic Aronia Powder is crafted purely from aronia berries and is hued a beautiful purple. Most of us know by now how essential fibre is for overall wellbeing, and just a tablespoon of aronia powder will satisfy nearly half of your daily fibre requirements and assist with digestion, bowel regularity, overall weight maintenance, and cholesterol. Furthermore, the colour is thanks to anthocyanins, which help to reduce inflammation in human cells.(1)(2)(3) The overall nutritional quality of the fruit can also be highly attributed to its polyphenols or phenolic compounds. Certainly, research has supported the ability of polyphenols to protect the body from cellular damage caused by carcinogens found in alcohol.(4) To sum up, this is all very handy if you have indeed decided to enjoy beet and aronia berries soup with that bottle of wine! In turn, phenolic compounds help to remove toxic substances and improve the elasticity of blood vessels, among other beneficial effects.(5)(6)(7) Oh go on then, why don’t you be extra nice to your taste buds and your body with this pot of soup…
Beetroot soup
Mushroom topping:
Beetroot soup
Mushroom topping:
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