Chia seed pudding recipe with carob and mushroom

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Light, creamy, and bursting with wholesome ingredients, this chia seed pudding recipe is easy to prepare and tastes delicious. Not only that, but you also have plenty of options for customizing it to suit your needs. So, whether you want a nourishing breakfast or a wellness-boosting dessert, this dish has got you covered. And in true Erbology style, we’ve enhanced it with the addition of dual extract medicinal mushroom powders. These give your chia seed pudding recipe an extra burst of nutrition, plus help to support your energy levels and immune system.

What is chia seed pudding?

Before we go into detail about how to make this chia seed pudding recipe, let’s talk about what it actually is. Chia seeds come from the Salvia hispanica plant, which is native to Mexico and Guatemala. Experts believe they were a key part of the Aztec and Mayan diets, and even used in religious rituals.(1)

One reason chia seeds have enjoyed a resurgence in popularity in recent years is their wealth of health benefits. We’ll cover those shortly! But there’s another factor that’s worth exploring first: their ability to absorb liquid. This is especially relevant for dishes like our carob and chia seed pudding recipe.

Chia seeds are able to soak up a large amount of liquid in a short space of time. And when they do, the seeds take on a chewy, gel-like consistency. This makes them ideal for thickening sauces, smoothies and soups, cooking jams, or replacing eggs when baking.

Alternatively, you can use them to form the bulk of a dish – like we have with this chia seed pudding recipe. It’s a perfect way to create a naturally creamy texture that’s still light and nutritious. Chia seeds absorb the flavor of whatever liquid you soak them in, but also add a mild nutty taste of their own. As such, they’re versatile enough to include in both sweet and savory meals.

So why would you want to whip up a chia seed pudding recipe in the first place? Time to look at the many impressive health benefits of chia seeds.

The health benefits of chia seed pudding

Chia seeds might be tiny, but they manage to fit a remarkable amount of nutrition into such a small package. For instance, they’re rich in several key vitamins and minerals, including calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and zinc, plus vitamins B1 and B3. These all have important roles to play in keeping us healthy.

Not only that, but chia seeds are also high in fiber, plant-based protein, and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). The latter is a plant-based form of omega-3. The seeds are additionally bursting with antioxidants, which protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals.

This combination of nutrients results in some valuable chia seed pudding benefits. Firstly, tucking into one could be good for your heart for several reasons. Fiber can help to reduce levels of cholesterol in your blood, while ALA may decrease the risk of heart disease. In addition, studies have found that chia seeds work to lower blood pressure, further protecting the cardiovascular system.(2)

Similarly, treating yourself to a chia seed pudding recipe might assist with blood glucose management. Research indicates that chia seeds could improve insulin sensitivity, plus reduce the amount that blood sugar rises by after eating.(3) However, more investigation is necessary to confirm this.

Moreover, the minerals and ALA in chia seeds may contribute to strong and healthy bones, with evidence suggesting the seeds could help increase bone mineral density.(4) Finally, enjoying a chia seed pudding recipe might benefit your digestive system. Fibre nourishes the good bacteria in your gut, which has a positive impact on brain health, immunity, and much more. It also increases satiety, which could enable chia seeds to help with weight loss.(5)

Getting to know carob

Much of the flavor in this chia seed pudding recipe is from the carob. This comes from the pods of the carob tree, which people dry, roast, and grind into a fine powder. Naturally sweet, it looks and tastes similar to cocoa powder, but with earthy, nutty undertones. And as well as adding a toasty caramel taste to the dish, carob brings some health benefits of its own.

For instance, carob is rich in several minerals, fiber, and potent polyphenols that act as antioxidants. The latter defend the body against oxidative stress, which research has linked to an increased risk of numerous chronic conditions. As an example, one study found that carob might reduce the levels of total and LDL cholesterol in the blood.(6) High cholesterol can build up on artery walls, restrict blood flow, and increase the likelihood of blood clots. Keeping your cholesterol low may therefore decrease the risk of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke.

One interesting benefit of choosing carob over cocoa or cacao powder is that it doesn’t contain any caffeine. This makes it a brilliant choice for those who are sensitive to the stimulant, or who want to enjoy a chia seed pudding recipe late at night. Similarly, unlike cocoa, carob doesn’t contain tyramine. A by-product of the amino acid tyrosine, tyramine can trigger migraines in some people. So, if you suffer from such headaches, carob could be a handy alternative to cocoa.

Creamy and nutritious: our chia seed pudding recipe

Ok, enough about the benefits – let’s talk about how to make chia seed pudding!

Start by pouring a cup of almond milk – or another plant-based milk – into a bowl. Then sprinkle in three tablespoons of chia seeds, and drizzle two or three teaspoons of honey on top. To make this a fully vegan chia seed pudding recipe, substitute this for an alternative liquid sweetener, like agave nectar. Top the mixture off with a pinch of salt and two tablespoons of carob powder.

Here's where you set this apart from other chia seed pudding recipes. Add half a teaspoon of both cordyceps and shiitake dual extract mushroom powders to the bowl. We’ll talk more about why these are fantastic additions to the dish below. Of course, you can swap them for other species of functional fungi if you prefer.

Finally, pour in a teaspoon of vanilla extract and whisk thoroughly. You want to ensure that the seeds are evenly distributed throughout the milk, with no clumps. This will help you achieve a creamy texture to your chia seed pudding recipe, without any lumpy or crunchy bits!

Leave the pudding mix to sit for at least 30 minutes, to allow the chia seeds to absorb the liquid. Some people prefer to pop it in the fridge overnight for a thicker texture, so feel free to experiment a little with your timing. Likewise, you can adjust the ratio of milk to seeds to find the one that gives you the best consistency.

When you’re ready to serve, spoon the chia seed pudding recipe into a small bowl. Garnish with a dusting of carob powder and a sprinkle of almond flakes, and enjoy!

Reasons to include mushrooms in your chia seed pudding recipe

Adding mushrooms to a chia seed pudding recipe might sound unusual, but there are plenty of good reasons to do so. That’s because these are no ordinary mushrooms. These are functional fungi, which offer powerful health benefits beyond their nutritional value.

Firstly, medicinal mushrooms function as adaptogens. These help the mind and body cope with mental and physical stress more effectively, and bring us back into balance. What’s more, they are rich in valuable polysaccharides called beta-glucans. A type of soluble fiber, beta-glucans can support our wellbeing in numerous ways.

For example, beta-glucans are able to stimulate certain types of immune cells, like macrophages and natural killer cells.(7) So adding mushroom powder to your chia seed pudding recipe may help you ward off infections more successfully. In addition, beta-glucans could support the health of your heart by improving your cholesterol levels.(8)

As if that weren’t enough, beta-glucans can also do wonders for your gut health. They function as a prebiotic, nourishing the good bacteria in your digestive system and keeping the bad ones in check.(9) The benefits of this go far beyond gut health, because your gut microbiome influences everything from immunity to brain health.

The fact that functional fungi possess anti-inflammatory properties further bolsters these advantages. Experts have linked chronic inflammation to a host of harmful conditions, including cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease.

On top of these general health benefits, each species of medicinal mushroom has its own unique strengths. In this chia seed pudding recipe, we’ve recommended using shiitake and cordyceps. Here’s why.

Shiitake mushroom benefits

You’re probably more used to seeing this mushroom in savory dishes than a chia seed pudding recipe! But whichever way you enjoy it, shiitake could enhance your wellbeing in several ways. For instance, it contains key compounds that help decrease cholesterol, such as eritadenine and sterols. What’s more, it may work to lower blood pressure, further protecting the cardiovascular system.(10)

Shiitake mushrooms are also a good source of B vitamins, which play an important role in energy metabolism. When it comes to immunity, studies have found shiitake can reduce inflammation and improve the function of immune cells.(11) It may even be able to reduce or reverse some age-related decline in immunity. However, further study is necessary to confirm this.

Cordyceps mushroom benefits

Cordyceps is a fabulous choice if you’re thinking of enjoying this chia seed pudding recipe for breakfast. That’s because it’s one of the best medicinal mushrooms for energy. A wealth of studies have found that the fungus helps to boost endurance and athletic performance. There are a few different reasons for this.

First, cordyceps improves the way that our bodies utilize oxygen and can raise your VO2 max.(12) This is the maximum amount of oxygen your body is able to use when exercising. The mushroom may also increase production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a molecule that helps transfer energy to your cells.(13)

Reducing fatigue is only one of the many benefits of cordyceps. The mushroom may additionally work to lower blood sugar levels, protect the heart, decrease cholesterol, and fight inflammation. So even if you’re not an athlete, it’s a great choice to include in a chia seed pudding recipe!

Say hello to our dual mushroom extracts

To make this chia seed pudding recipe, we’ve used two of our new dual mushroom extracts. These are similar to our whole mushroom powders, however go through a couple of extra steps during the production process.

First, our team of expert mycologists cultivates the fungi in small batches on organic substrates in Europe. After harvesting, we dry the mushrooms and grind them into a fine powder. Next, we steep the powder in both water and alcohol in order to separate out specific beneficial compounds. We then combine the two extracts to create an extra-potent dual extract powder.

So, for example, our cordyceps extract contains more cordycepin than the whole powder version does. Conversely, it will have a lower level of certain vitamins and minerals, because they are lost during the extraction process. The beauty of this chia seed pudding recipe is that you can make it with both dual extract and whole mushroom powders. This enables you to create a dish that best suits your needs. Either way, rest assured that our functional fungi are among the highest quality on the market.

Customizing this chia seed pudding recipe

One thing we love about this chia seed pudding recipe is how open it is to customization. First, because you can adjust the seed-to-milk ratio and resting time to achieve the consistency you prefer. And second, because you’re able to add all sorts of other ingredients to mix up the flavor.

For instance, try adding a sprinkle of cinnamon for extra warmth. Alternatively, switch the carob for matcha powder for a completely different taste profile. Another great option is to mix in cacao nibs, chopped nuts, or granola to give the dish more crunch. Similarly, you could top your chia seed pudding recipe with some fresh berries for a pop of color. Talk about versatility!


Typical nutrition / serving

  • Serv. size: 185 g
  • Serv. size text: 170 g
  • Calories: 170 kcal
  • Total Fat: 6 g
  • Total Сarbohydrate: 23 g
  • Protein: 7 g

Here's how you make it

  1. In a medium bowl, add  the almond milk together with honey, salt, carob powder, mushroom powders and vanilla. Mix well.
  2. Pour over the chia seeds and mix again. Let the mixture sit for 30 minutes or up to an hour, until the chia seeds absorb all the liquid.
  3. Transfer the chia pudding into serving bowls and garnish with carob powder and almond flakes on top. Enjoy!

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