Artichoke hummus recipe

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    Prep Time 5'

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    Total Time 7'

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    Prep Time 5'

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    Total Time 7'

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It's not completely accurate to call this a hummus recipe. This dish is actually somewhere wonderfully in between hummus and a creamy, indulgent artichoke dip. That makes it a perfect hybrid creature in our book, as the addition of chickpeas brings protein and ballast. This spread could now carry a sandwich all on its own, with the addition of a few fresh vegetables. Or, as seen here, it's a nice variation on a party dip. Glowing magenta pomegranate seeds add colour and tartness. You could also add fresh chopped herbs on top for colour and flavour. Parsley, mint, or both would work beautifully.

It's not completely accurate to call this a hummus recipe. This dish is actually somewhere wonderfully in between hummus and a creamy, indulgent artichoke dip. That makes it a perfect hybrid creature in our book, as the addition of chickpeas brings protein and ballast. This spread could now carry a sandwich all on its own, with the addition of a few fresh vegetables. Or, as seen here, it's a nice variation on a party dip. Glowing magenta pomegranate seeds add colour and tartness. You could also add fresh chopped herbs on top for colour and flavour. Parsley, mint, or both would work beautifully.

The heart of a thistle...

The artichoke is actually a type of thistle that has been cultivated for its subtle, absolutely lovely flavour. The commonly eaten parts of the artichoke comprise the flower buds before the flower actually comes into bloom. Doesn't that make you see the tightly clenched artichoke leaves just a bit differently?   

... dreamy for flavour and for health...

Artichoke hearts are so sensually delicious that it's easy to forget that they are actually highly nutritious. They are among the foods to include in your cooking if you are changing your diet to include more plant-based foods but are keen to retain a sense of luxurious richness. If you look at the antioxidant content of vegetables, artichokes rank very highly.(1)(2) However, what exactly are antioxidants? To clarify, oxidation within the body can release free radicals, which are harmful cells that can go on the rampage. Although some free radicals are necessary and healthy, too many free radicals in our body can set off all types of negative side effects within us.(3) For instance, damage due to an imbalance of free radicals has been linked to diseases from diabetes to cancer.  Further, this imbalance is called oxidative stress. Scientists have looked at how factors from sugar, alcohol, pollution, and toxins can accentuate it.(4) That is to say, antioxidants are foods that fight free radicals and help to right the balance in our body. Moreover, in our world, more and more elements are unknown, from what is in our food to what is in what we wear to what is in our atmosphere. As a result, many people feel that shoring up with antioxidants is especially wise.

... so scoop up, scoop up!

We aren't telling you about the antioxidant content of artichoke hearts so you will make this dish. But as you savour this pleasure in a bowl, going back for one more repeatedly as you certainly will, the knowledge that what you're eating is going into battle within you on the side of good forces certainly won't hurt. Will it, now?


  • 6 pieces artichoke hearts, in brine
  • ½ cup cooked chickpeas
  • 2 tbsp soy yoghurt (or any plant-based yoghurt of your choice)
  • Juice from ¼ lemon
  • 3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • Black pepper to taste
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • ¼ tsp chilli flakes
  • 1 tbsp pomegranates seeds, to garnish

Typical nutrition / serving

  • Size: 110 g
  • Serv. size: 5 g

Here's how you make it

  1. In a high-speed blender, add all the ingredients except for the pomegranate seeds. Blend well until smooth.
  2. Scoop out the hummus and place on a plate.
  3. Garnish with pomegranate seeds, more extra virgin olive oil, black pepper and chilli flakes.
  4. Enjoy with Erbology Personalised Crackers.

If you tried this recipe...

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