Lemon iced green tea

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Get refreshed and revitalized with our wellness-boosting lemon iced tea. We’ve put a herbal twist on the classic recipe by adding a dash of rosemary water. As well as bringing a delicious piney undertone to the drink, it can help you feel more positive and focused. Just what you need on a sunny afternoon!

A modern (ish!) way to enjoy tea

People have been drinking tea for literally thousands of years. According to legend, the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung discovered it in 2732 BCE. He was enjoying a picnic when leaves from a wild tree blew into his pot of boiling water. The emperor found the resulting drink delicious and restorative, and tea was born.

Regardless of the truth behind this myth, iced tea did not appear until much, much later, in the 1800s. It wasn’t until the advent of refrigeration that people could easily access ice during the hot months. Cookbooks from this period detail iced tea punches made with green tea and alcohol, plus non-alcoholic sweet iced tea recipes. And lemon iced tea quickly became a popular flavor combination.

Iced tea really rose in fame during the 1904 World’s Fair in St Louis, Missouri. A tea merchant called Richard Blechynden was giving out free samples of hot black tea at the event. However, the weather was so warm that people weren’t interested. Thinking on his feet, he decided to serve his tea iced instead – to great success.

Following the fair, iced tea became a staple drink in the US. In fact, about 75-80% of tea consumed in America is iced tea.(1) Today, we can enjoy different varieties of the beverage all across the world, from lemon iced tea to iced matcha. It’s served in cafes and restaurants, plus available to buy bottled in shops. And, of course, there are plenty of recipes you’re able to make at home. One of which is this refreshing lemon iced tea!

Before we look at how to make iced green tea, let’s explore why the drink is so good for you.

The health benefits of green tea

Green tea – whether hot or cold – is arguably one of the healthiest beverages out there. So you could enjoy a wealth of benefits by sipping on this lemon iced tea recipe.

First, green tea may help to protect our cardiovascular health. Studies show that the drink can lower the risk of stroke and heart disease.(2) This is thanks to green tea’s ability to reduce blood pressure and improve cholesterol levels. It might also positively influence blood sugar management and insulin sensitivity, though more research is required to clarify this.(3)

Excitingly, using green tea in your lemon iced tea could additionally be good for your brain. Evidence suggests that the drink can enhance cognitive functions such as memory and attention, as well as lift your mood.(4) This is because of the specific blend of compounds the leaves contain. In addition to stimulants like caffeine, green tea is rich in the amino acid L-theanine, which helps you relax.

Furthermore, green tea is bursting with potent polyphenols that may protect the brain from ageing. Studies have linked green tea consumption with a reduced risk of cognitive decline and neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s.(5)

And that’s not the only way that the polyphenols in this green iced tea could benefit you. The leaves contain catechins, such as epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), that act as antioxidants. This means they protect your cells from free radical damage, which experts have linked to chronic diseases and ageing.(6)

Speaking of ageing, green tea might even boost your longevity. Studies indicate that people who drink the beverage have a lower risk of dying from all causes.(7) That’s a very persuasive reason to treat yourself to a lemon iced tea!

Let’s hear it for lemons

The green tea lemon flavor combination is one of the most popular – and with good justification. Not only does it taste amazing, lemons bring several impressive health benefits of their own to the cup. So, let’s look at why we’ve chosen to make this recipe a lemon iced tea.

To begin with, lemons are rich in antioxidants, including naringin and hesperidin. In addition to fighting oxidative stress, such compounds – along with other citrus flavonoids in lemons – help support heart health. Evidence suggests they could lower cholesterol and inflammation, plus improve the function of your blood vessels.(8) Sipping on a lemon iced tea may therefore reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Moreover, lemons have high levels of ascorbic acid, or vitamin C. This offers us a multitude of key benefits, including boosting the immune system and supporting the health of your skin. Interestingly, the fact that lemons contain both vitamin C and citric acid provides a further advantage. Together, they help you to absorb iron from plant sources more effectively, reducing the risk of developing anaemia. The citric acid in lemon juice might even lower your likelihood of getting kidney stones.

Want some more good news? Just the scent of lemon iced tea alone could boost your mood. Studies have found that the fragrance of lemons can reduce anxiety and stress, leaving you feeling more refreshed and relaxed.(9) We’ve enhanced this positive effect on wellbeing with the addition of rosemary water, as we’ll talk about below. But first, it’s time to look at how to make iced green tea with lemon.

Unbeatable refreshment: our iced green tea recipe with lemon

This lemon iced tea is exactly what you need when the weather’s warm and sunny. Not only is it cool and refreshing, but – as we’ve just seen – it’s good for your health. Happily, it’s also quick and easy to make. So you can be relaxing in the garden with a glass of lemon iced tea in no time! Here’s how to do it.

First, grab a teapot and make yourself some green tea. Loose leaves are ideal because you tend to get a more flavorful drink. However, teabags will do in a pinch! Feel free to use whichever type of green tea you prefer for this lemon iced tea, from sencha to hojicha. Each will bring a slightly different taste profile to the drink, so see which is your favorite!

After pouring the hot water into the teapot, add half the mint leaves and lemon slices, and all the honey. Mix it well, then pop the lid back on and allow the tea to steep for five minutes. Any longer and it will become too bitter. To make your lemon iced tea strictly plant-based, switch the honey for agave nectar or maple syrup. Alternatively, you might prefer to leave the sweetener out altogether so you can taste more of the tea’s natural flavor.

After removing the tea leaves, let the drink cool for about 15 minutes. When ready to serve, pop the ice cubes into your glasses, along with the remaining mint leaves and lemon slices. Then add one teaspoon of rosemary water into each cup. This brings a fabulous herbal aroma and piney flavor that really sets your lemon iced tea apart. Finally, pour the green tea on top and enjoy!

The marvels of mint

We like every ingredient we use in our recipes to do more than just add flavor. We like them to bring some kind of benefit to your wellbeing too. And the mint in this lemon iced tea is no exception.

As the most common flavoring in toothpaste, it’s perhaps no surprise that mint can help to mask bad breath. In fact, it may also be able to reduce the bacteria that cause bad breath thanks to its antimicrobial and antibacterial properties.(10)

Mint might further be useful in alleviating digestive problems. Studies have found that peppermint oil eases symptoms of indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome. However, further research is necessary to see if this is also true of mint leaves.

In addition, the scent of the mint in this lemon iced tea could be beneficial for your brain. Studies have found that peppermint aroma can make you feel more invigorated and even improve your memory.(11) Finally, mint is a good source of vitamin A, which is valuable for vision and eye health.

Rosemary water: adding a herbal twist to lemon iced tea

Iced green tea with lemon and mint is delicious. However, in our opinion, it's the rosemary water that truly takes this recipe to the next level. It infuses the lemon iced tea with a characteristic piney, earthy taste, enhanced by herby and woody undertones of fragrance. And that does more than make your lemon iced tea smell even nicer!

Just like lemon and mint, the aroma of rosemary herbal water can enhance your mood. Studies suggest that it may generate feelings of positivity and confidence, plus help you to feel fresher and more alert.(12) On top of which, it could ease symptoms of burnout. So if you’re looking for a pick-me-up on stressful days, this lemon iced tea is a perfect choice.

Interestingly, rosemary water’s benefits may go beyond simply cheering you up. Research has also found that the plant’s aroma could improve your cognitive performance, supporting functions like memory and concentration.(13) This is thanks to the neuroprotective properties of certain flavonoids in rosemary water, such as apigenin and rosmarinic acid. Combined with the brain-boosting effects of green tea, that makes this lemon iced tea ideal when working or studying.

Another reason that rosemary water has become so popular lately is because of its potential to encourage hair growth.(14) It contains polyphenolic compounds such as carnosic acid, which have potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The latter increases blood circulation to the scalp, delivering the oxygen and nutrients needed to keep follicles strong and healthy.

Of course, you won’t enjoy this benefit from drinking rosemary water in lemon iced tea! Instead, either massage the herbal water directly onto your scalp or mix some into your shampoo or conditioner.

Introducing our organic rosemary water

We craft our organic rosemary water using only the finest plants, sustainably grown on small farms in Provence, France. Our team picks the rosemary leaves and flowers by hand, then steam distils them. It takes about 1.5kg of plant matter to make one litre of our fragrant rosemary water.

Once ready, we pour the herbal water into environmentally friendly amber glass jars to ship out to you at home. Please help us take care of the planet by reusing or recycling these when they’re empty.

One thing we love about rosemary water is how versatile it is. This lemon iced tea recipe is only the beginning! For example, if you want a quick creativity-boosting drink, stir a few tablespoons into a glass of sparkling water. Alternatively, add it to your favorite smoothie, cocktail, or mocktail. The herb’s flavor pairs especially well with other citrus fruits like bergamot and orange, along with basil and mint.

You also have the option of using rosemary water in food dishes. All you need to do is swap a few tablespoons of normal water in a recipe for herbal water. It brings a deliciously nuanced depth of flavor to all kinds of meals, so feel free to experiment!

We mentioned above that you can use rosemary water in your haircare routine, but it may also benefit your skin. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of compounds like luteolin mean rosemary water could help to clear your complexion and tackle signs of ageing.

Moreover, rosemary water is naturally antimicrobial and antibacterial. As such, you could even use it in mouthwash to protect your gums and fight bad breath. Of course, we don’t suggest using this lemon iced tea that way!

Serving suggestions for our lemon iced tea

There’s no bad time to enjoy this lemon iced tea, but it goes down especially well in hot weather. If you’re having guests over, it’s easy to scale up the recipe and make a whole jug to keep everyone cool.

What’s more, there are plenty of opportunities to customize green iced tea to your liking. As we mentioned above, you can have a go at making it with different types of tea to adjust the base flavor. In addition, while we love green tea with lemon, you don’t have to stick to just one citrus fruit. Try swapping some of the lemon for yuzu, orange, or lime for a greater depth of taste and fragrance. Another good tip is to switch the mint for basil leaves. And of course, you could always top your glass off with a sprig of rosemary to complement the rosemary water.

Alternatively, you might like to add vodka, gin, or sparkling wine to create your very own iced green tea cocktail. That’s a great way to pay homage to the early days of lemon iced tea!


Typical nutrition / serving

  • Serv. size: 300 g
  • Calories: 64 kcal
  • Total Fat: 0 g
  • Total Сarbohydrate: 17 g
  • Protein: 0.1 g

Here's how you make it

  1. In a teapot, add the loose green tea and pour over the boiling water, 
  2. Add half of the mint leaves, honey and half of the lemon slices. Mix, cover with a lid and steep for 5 minutes.
  3. Let the tea cool for about 15 minutes before serving. Adjust with sweetener if needed.
  4. Add ice cubes in the serving glasses, lemon slices and mint leaves and pour over 1 tsp of the rosemary water per serving. Pour over the green tea and enjoy!

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