Strawberry refresher lemonade recipe

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As the weather gets warmer and the days become longer and brighter, it’s important to stay revitalized and hydrated. That’s where our strawberry refresher comes in. This fruity drink combines the sweetness of strawberries with the tanginess of lemons to create a delicious and uplifting summer beverage. A splash of soothing rose water adds a floral twist and health-boosting nutrients that enhance your wellbeing with every sip.

Strawberry refresher: rejuvenation in a glass

Our bodies are approximately 50-60% water, and staying hydrated is crucial for our wellness in several ways. It helps to lubricate our joints, regulate our body temperature, transport nutrients to our cells, and remove waste products. Moreover, being well hydrated enables your brain to function more effectively, lifts your mood, and keeps your energy levels up. It can even improve your sleep and the appearance of your skin!

There is some disagreement over exactly how much water you should drink a day. The UK’s NHS recommends 6-8 glasses, but you may need more during hot weather or if you exercise a lot. As well as drinking plain water, you can hydrate yourself with beverages like tea, sparkling water, juices, and smoothies. You’re even able to take in water by eating dishes such as soups and stews, plus fruits and vegetables.

One fantastic option to help you quench your thirst without getting bored is to create your own flavored, water-based drinks. And this strawberry refresher lemonade is the perfect example of this. In addition to keeping you hydrated, it’s bursting with fruity goodness to boost your wellbeing. Plus, it’s easy to make and tastes amazing. The ideal beverage to brighten up a summer afternoon! Let’s get into the details.

The superb health benefits of strawberries

We’ll start with the principal ingredient of any strawberry refresher recipe. There are several good reasons why strawberries are one of the most popular types of fruit in the world. In addition to their vibrant color, pleasant aroma and delicious taste, these berries offer a wealth of nutritional benefits.

First, strawberries – and by extension this strawberry refresher – get their vivid red hue from phenolic compounds called anthocyanins. Research suggests that these help to protect the health of the heart by improving cholesterol levels and decreasing inflammation.(1) Anthocyanins may also be useful in regulating blood sugar and have a positive effect on insulin sensitivity.(2)

Moreover, strawberries are rich in antioxidants such as ellagic acid and procyanidins. These assist in defending our cells against the damage caused by free radicals. Known as oxidative stress, studies have linked this damage to numerous chronic health conditions, including diabetes, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases. It can even contribute to ageing, making the berry’s antioxidant powers a key benefit of enjoying a strawberry refresher.

Like many fruits, strawberries have high levels of many important vitamins and minerals. In particular, the fruit is a good source of vitamin C, potassium, and folate. Vitamin C is vital for skin health and the immune system, and potassium assists with regulating blood pressure. Meanwhile, folate (vitamin B9) helps to make and repair DNA, produce red blood cells, and metabolize protein.

Finally, thanks to their anthocyanins and other flavonoids, eating strawberries can boost your brain health and cognitive functions. Research indicates that the berries could work to improve memory and learning, plus slow down cognitive decline.(3)

All of which means that a glass of strawberry refresher could be beneficial for both your body and your mind!

How lemons benefit your wellbeing

Strawberries may be the headliner, but every ingredient in our strawberry refresher lemonade recipe earns its place. That includes the lemon juice, which brings a selection of health benefits of its own to the table (or glass!).

To begin with, lemons are fabulous sources of vitamin C. As we touched on above, this key nutrient can boost wellbeing in several ways. These include reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes, plus enabling the body to absorb iron more efficiently.(4)

Evidence further indicates that lemons could help to prevent kidney stones. This is due to their citric acid content, which raises the pH level of urine and reduces the chance of stones forming.(5)

Lemons also contain powerful plant compounds such as naringenin and hesperidin, which can lower blood pressure and improve cholesterol levels. Such polyphenols may additionally be useful for weight loss.(6) Some studies suggest that drinking water temporarily increases the number of calories a person burns, further reducing the risk of obesity.(7) This makes consuming lemon in a strawberry refresher especially effective in this regard.

Interestingly, even the scent of lemon can have a positive influence on us. Studies have discovered that smelling lemon aroma helps to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.(8) As such, treating yourself to a strawberry refresher before an important work meeting or other appointment could be highly beneficial.

Lastly, research indicates that certain compounds in lemons might have anticancer effects. Limonoids and citrus flavonoids have killed cancer cells in test-tube studies, however further investigation is necessary to clarify their therapeutic potential.(9)

Fruity meets floral: our strawberry refresher recipe

If you’re like us, the last thing you want to do when you’re in need of a revitalizing drink on a hot day is to spend ages making it! That’s why we have specifically kept this strawberry refresher recipe quick and easy to create.

Once you’ve gathered all your ingredients together, start by popping the strawberries into a large serving glass. Press them gently with a drink muddler until you’ve broken and mashed the berries. This helps to release their juices and intensify the flavor and color of the strawberry refresher. No muddler? No problem! You can use a mortar and pestle or clean wooden spoon to carefully crush the strawberries instead.

The next step is to add the lemon juice and agave nectar, then give the mix a good stir. The lemon juice helps enhance the flavor of the strawberries, plus balances out their sweetness with a touch of acidity. Speaking of sweetness, you can always adjust the amount of agave nectar you use in the strawberry refresher. This enables you to make it more or less sweet to suit your palate.

Now it’s time to add all the remaining ingredients to the glass. That’s the ice cubes, rose water, lemon slices, and rose petals. Top this off with your choice of still or sparkling water. Depending on the size of your glass, you might need more or less than the 250ml we suggest in this strawberry refresher recipe.

Then all you have left to do is mix the drink a final time before serving. The result is a beautiful beverage that’s vivid red at the bottom and fades up to orange like a sunset. We recommend enjoying your strawberry refresher as soon as you’ve made it – before the ice cubes melt!

The delicate delights of Damask rose water

What makes our strawberry refresher unique is the addition of our organic Damask rose water. This brings a wonderfully soothing floral taste and scent to the drink that means it’s especially relaxing. However, that’s not all it provides. Rose water also offers a range of potential benefits to your wellbeing. You can check out our full article on rose water health benefits for more detail, but here’s a quick overview.

Traditionally, people use rose water to help with gastric issues such as indigestion and constipation.(10) This is because it can increase bile flow and also work as a gentle laxative. Interestingly, rose water may additionally help to soothe irritated throats and coughs due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. So, if you feel a sore throat coming on, it’s a great excuse to make yourself a strawberry refresher!

Many of the benefits of rose water relate to our skin. For example, its antibacterial powers may help to ease the symptoms of conditions such as acne. Similarly, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, rose water could soothe redness and puffiness, as well as irritation caused by eczema.(10) Of course, to enjoy these advantages, it’s more effective to apply rose water topically than to drink a strawberry refresher.

Rose water additionally contains several phenolics that act as potent antioxidants. These help to protect our cells from damage, and even reduce the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of ageing.

What’s most impressive is that the mere aroma of rose water could have a positive influence on our mood. Studies have found that inhaling the scent may lessen feelings of stress, depression and anxiety, plus alleviate headaches.(11) This means that our strawberry refresher can be a fantastic – and delicious – way to cheer yourself up on hectic days.

Introducing our organic rose water

We create our organic rose water from the finest Damask roses, ethically grown in Bulgaria’s renowned Rose Valley. Farmers pick the flowers by hand, then steam distil them in small batches. We use approximately 650g of Damask rose petals to craft one litre of our organic rose water. It’s undiluted and unsweetened, with no unwanted additives – so what you get is 100% pure.

Our team pours the rose water into environmentally friendly amber glass jars, then ships these out to you at home. Keep your rose water refrigerated once opened, then reuse or recycle the jars once they’re empty.

In addition to making this strawberry refresher, you can use rose water in all kinds of delicious recipes. We find it goes beautifully in smoothies and cocktails, as well as desserts such as cheesecake. In terms of flavor combinations, citrus fruits like lemon and grapefruit pair perfectly with rose, as do raspberry and pistachio. However, feel free to experiment with other ingredients, drinks, and dishes to see which you prefer.

When it comes to using rose water for your skin, the best method is to apply it topically. For example, use it as a toner to soothe and hydrate red or irritated skin and clear up your complexion. You can even put it on wounds or sunburn to help keep the affected area clean and speed up healing.

Enjoying a strawberry refresher is one way to harness the mental health benefits of rose water. However, you could also try transferring it to a spray bottle. You can then spritz a little into the air or onto your bedding to create a calming atmosphere in your home. Another option is to use it as a perfume and carry its comforting influence with you wherever you go!

Top tips for enjoying this strawberry refresher

The strawberry refresher recipe we’ve given here makes enough for one cup. However, it’s easy to scale up and make a whole jug of the drink if you’re having friends over. We find it’s always a popular option at summer barbecues and similar events. And while we’ve focused on how refreshing a strawberry refresher is during hot weather, this isn’t the only time you can enjoy it. It’s also a fabulous choice for brightening up dark winter nights!

One other brilliant thing about this strawberry refresher is how easy it is to customize the recipe. For example, try using raspberries or blackberries in place of some of the strawberries for a deeper color and flavor. Another possibility is to swap the lemon slices for lime or orange to give the drink a more nuanced burst of citrus.

You can even make a strawberry refresher with lemonade instead of water for a sweeter taste. We recommend you leave out the agave nectar if you choose this option, to avoid the beverage becoming overly sugary. Alternatively, transform your strawberry refresher into a cocktail with the addition of a shot of rum, gin, or vodka.

However you decide to make it, we’re sure this strawberry refresher will quickly become one of your go-to drink recipes. Thanks to its photogenic appearance, fruity fragrance, delicious taste, and feel-good vibes, it’s the very essence of summer in a glass!


  • 3-4 strawberries, finely chopped
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice
  • 2 tbsp agave nectar
  • 1 cup ice cubes
  • 3 tsp Erbology Organic Rose Water
  • 3 lemon slices
  • 1 tsp dried rose petals
  • 250ml still or sparkling water

Typical nutrition / serving

  • Serv. size: 400 g
  • Serv. size text: 70 g
  • Servings: 0.6 g
  • Cholesterol: 20 mg
  • Fiber: 1 g

Here's how you make it

  1. Add the strawberries into a large serving glass. Press with a drink muddler until the strawberries are broken and mashed.
  2. Add lemon juice and agave nectar, then give everything a good mix.
  3. Add the ice cubes, rose water, rose petals and water. Mix and serve right away.

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