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Frequently asked questions


Drink hot

For best results, steep or simmer our Wild Chaga Powder in hot water for around 20 – 30 minutes. The hot water helps to draw out the unique compounds of the mushroom, ensuring you get the most from every teaspoon. If you prefer, you can use the steeped chaga to make coffee, tea or hot chocolate.


Sustainably sourced

  1. Our organic chaga mushroom naturally grows in the forests of Finland, where our growers wild-harvest it in small batches.
  2. Then, we carefully dry the mushrooms to prevent microbial contamination.
  3. Finally, we grind the chaga into a fine powder and pack it into environmentally-friendly amber glass jars, before shipping to you to enjoy at home.
  4. Our chaga is tested by independent accredited quality checkers to make sure the mushroom is high in beta-glucans.


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