

Shiitake mushroom: benefits, uses and side effects

Shiitake is a common ingredient in lots of dishes, but did you know it’s also used for medicinal purposes? In this article, we discuss the many possible ways shiitake mushroom benefits your health. We’ll then look at some of the different methods for harnessing its wellness-enhancing properties.



The Erbology guide to medicinal mushrooms

Reishi, cordyceps, lion’s mane, chaga… these exotic names belong to medicinal mushrooms which have been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine.



Tiger nut benefits

With the stripes of a tiger, these delicious little nuggets are actually tubers, not nuts! Find out all about tiger nut benefits for your health.



Top 4 aloe vera health benefits

From Alexander the Great to the twenty-first century, aloe vera has been widely recognised around the world to hold medicinal properties. It is is used extensively to treat not only damaged skin but also fevers and wounds.



Top seven pumpkin seeds benefits: Nutrition and uses

You’ve probably heard that pumpkin seeds are good for you. But why exactly is that? In this article, we’re going into more detail on the benefits of pumpkin seeds for our health and wellness. We’ve also got some great recommendations for delicious and simple ways to add the ingredient to your diet. Whether tucking into whole seeds or baking with pumpkin seed powder, it’s a tasty and convenient choice for boosting wellbeing.



Triphala benefits: three fruits with incredible powers

Triphala is one of the most important polyherbal preparations in Ayurveda. Modern science is starting to understand why. Learn more about triphala benefits!

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Turkey tail benefits for your health

Fanning out in delicate wings, the Turkey Tail mushroom has a beautiful multi-toned cap which is more than worthy of its name. It’s also one of the best known medicinal mushrooms, alongside reishi, cordyceps and lion’s mane. Adherents of Traditional Chinese Medicine have been using it for over 2,000 years, and closely associate it with replenishing your Qi, or life essence. But what is the scientific evidence for turkey tail benefits?

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Walnut benefits for your health

Rich in ellagic acid, fatty acids and vitamins, walnut benefits your immune system, heart health and skin.



What are beta-glucans?

Beta-glucans, β-glucans, Beta-d-glucans, polysaccharides… typing these into a search engine can lead you down a rabbit hole of scientific jargon. Luckily, behind all the technical terms, beta-glucans are not too complicated, and may have benefits for your health. Let’s take a refreshingly simple look at what they are, and why they might make a great addition to your diet.



What are essential fatty acids? Omegas 3 and 6

If you’ve been doing your research on how to maintain a healthy diet, you’ll almost certainly have come across the term ‘essential fatty acids’. They crop up everywhere, but it’s not always clear exactly how these mysterious molecules play a role in keeping you well. With an eye on the science, we tackle the key questions: what are essential fatty acids, and what do they have to do with the omegas?
