

Is paleo gluten free? And other paleo questions answered

In the mid 2010s, a new diet craze appeared seemingly out of nowhere. The ‘paleo’ diet aims to recreate the diet of our distant ancestors, but it has been controversial even as its popularity soared. In this article we’ll answer some of your top questions on the paleo diet, including whether it’s suitable if you’re sensitive to gluten.



Is plant based protein good for you?

With the popularity of vegetarian and vegan diets on the rise, in this article we will be exploring if plant-based protein is good for you.



Is soy good for you?

Soy is one of the few complete plant-based proteins. During the 1990s soy was believed to be a miracle food. However, with research growing is this still believed to be the case?



Longevity diet and nutrition for longevity

We all want to live a long, happy, and healthy life. The good news is that there are several steps we can take to increase our chances of doing just that. In this article, we discuss the key tenets of a longevity diet, plus other ways to maximise your chances of both living longer and ageing well. This should help you create an effective longevity health plan that’s backed by science.



Looking after yourself at work, from lunch breaks to desk yoga

The work day is full of stresses and strains that can lead to exhaustion. Take our tips for looking after yourself at work to banish burnout for good.



Lucuma: health benefits, uses, and side effects

Deliciously sweet, convenient, and versatile, lucuma benefits our wellbeing in an impressive variety of ways. But what is lucuma? How do you use it? And why is it so good for you? In this article, we talk about lucuma powder benefits and side effects. We’ve also got some ideas for how to add it to your diet. Fair warning – you’re definitely going to want to try lucuma powder by the time you get to the end!

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Maca root: benefits, uses and side effects

Lots of the health foods that are becoming popular today actually date back hundreds or even thousands of years. And maca root is no different. People in Peru have been harnessing the wellness-boosting powers of this robust plant for generations. What’s interesting is that modern science is now finding persuasive evidence to support the traditional use of maca. In this article, we discuss the many potential maca root benefits, plus look at how to incorporate the powder into your diet.

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Medicinal mushrooms: Q&A

The world of medicinal mushrooms can be a confusing one to navigate, so this article is here to guide you! We’ve provided answers to some of the most common questions we get asked about these fabulous fungi. That includes how they could benefit you, the differences between various types of mushroom products, and how to take them.



Milk thistle for hangover: does it work?

Unfortunately, many of us have experienced a hangover or two in our time. Waking up the morning after a night out, we nurse our pounding heads and swear off alcohol for good. While some people turn to fry-ups and sports drinks to soothe their hangover, others choose to take milk thistle. But does taking milk thistle for hangovers really work?



Mineral rich foods: which whole foods to eat for your daily minerals

Unlike their famous cousins, the vitamins, minerals are often overlooked when we evaluate our diets. However, we need a range of minerals to perform an enormous range of vital processes in our bodies. Luckily, you can stock up on essential minerals by making sure you're incorporating certain mineral rich foods into your diet. Here's a rundown of the minerals to look out for, and where you can find them.
