

Top 10 best seeds to include in your diet

Seeds are packed full of nutrients, protein, healthy fats – and flavour! We run down the top 10 best seeds to include in a healthy diet.



Top 4 foods for high cholesterol

High cholesterol is one of the top risk factors for cardiovascular disease. A sedentary lifestyle, smoking, alcohol and poor eating habits can all contribute to elevated cholesterol. But what are the best foods to eat for high cholesterol?



Vegan Christmas gifts: Our best gift sets for 2021

Struggling for what to get your vegan loved ones this Christmas? Show them you care with our selection of thoughtful and unusual vegan Christmas gifts.



Vegan edible homemade gifts for Christmas 2021

This Christmas, show you care by making a truly unique homemade gift for a friend or family member. Our fun and easy recipes make it easy to whip up festive treats in a flash - and we've even included decorative wrapping ideas!



Vegan foods with vitamin B12

We’re happy to reveal: vegan foods with vitamin B12 do exist! From tempeh to nori, here are four fabulous vegan sources of this vital vitamin.



Walnut oil for hypothyroidism

The use of walnut oil for hypothyroidism is something we’re seeing discussed more amongst people who are keen to promote overall health and wellbeing through nourishment of their body.

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What are adaptogens and their health benefits?

A plant that can give you a boost of energy, or help you relax? It sounds almost too good to be true, but some plants do possess the amazing ability to adapt to exactly what our bodies need at the time. These are called adaptogens - and there are plenty of reasons why you might want to add them into your diet.

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What are ergogenic aids?

Have you heard of ergogenic aids but not sure what they are? Athletes use them to improve performance, while you may be looking to simply improve your 5k time!



What are prebiotics and their gut health benefits?

You are what you eat. Or perhaps, you are what you feed the trillions of microorganisms living in your gut. Which leads to the question "what are prebiotics?".



What are the benefits of ashwagandha for men?

Often referred to as the ‘king’ of Ayurvedic herbs, ashwagandha is a powerful adaptogen and one of the most significant in the ancient Indian medical system. In this article, we’ll be answering one of the most common questions we get about taking ashwagandha: "what are the benefits of ashwagandha for men?".
