

What are the benefits of exercise on mental health?

We all know that exercise can improve our physical health. But what about the effects of exercise on our mental and emotional health? Is it possible that exercise can have mental benefits and ward off depression and anxiety? Let’s find out!



What are the best anti ageing foods?

With average life expectancy on the rise, people want to look and feel their best right through into their later years. Below we’ll give some insight into anti ageing foods and their unique properties.



What are the best foods for health and longevity?

It comes as no surprise that the foods we eat can have a major impact on our wellbeing. Some diets such as the Mediterranean diet are well-known to have beneficial effects on our health. But what foods do longevity diets have in common - what are the best foods for health and longevity?



What are the best menopause supplements?

Menopause and the associated hormonal changes may cause a number of unpleasant symptoms and side effects. The good news is that there are several steps you can take to alleviate them. In this article, we discuss what kind of menopause supplements and natural remedies may be effective at easing your symptoms. No matter which symptoms you’re experiencing or how severe they are, we hope you’ll find some useful tips to help you out!



What are the hormonal imbalance symptoms and causes?

Hormones play a key role in ensuring that our bodies function the way that they should. However, when we have too much or too little of them, it may lead to hormonal imbalance. This can have a number of negative impacts on our health and wellbeing. In this post, we take a look at some signs of hormonal imbalance and what might be causing it. We've also got some top tips for how to treat hormonal imbalance with simple lifestyle changes.



What are the low testosterone causes and symptoms?

Low testosterone is a fairly common condition in men as they get older. However, it can have some unwanted side effects. Luckily, there are several lifestyle changes you can make to help prevent or even reverse low testosterone. In this article, we go over some common causes and symptoms of low testosterone in both men and women. We also suggest a few simple yet effective ways to raise your levels of this key hormone naturally.

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What are the three pillars of sustainability?

With climate change an ever more pressing issue, many of us are looking for ways to live more sustainably. Part of this is knowing what to demand from our governments and the companies we buy from. One famous theory, the three pillars of sustainability, can help us understand what it takes to be sustainable. We’ll also look at how we apply the pillars at Erbology.

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What causes bloating?

Feeling bloated after a large meal is normal. However if you struggle with chronic feelings of bloating, this is not normal and should be addressed.



What causes brain fog?

Do you have trouble keeping your mind on a task, or not feeling quite as sharp as usual? People who experience issues like this often say they’re suffering from ‘brain fog’, but what exactly does the term mean? We look at what causes brain fog and how you can return to feeling your best.



What causes short-term memory loss?

From forgetting where you put your keys to failing to remember someone’s name, almost everyone experiences short-term memory loss from time to time. But what causes it? And more importantly, what can we do to prevent it? Here, we shed light on some reasons behind short-term memory loss – and offer plenty of top tips to help you overcome it.
