

What diet is best for menopause?

Menopause comes with many physiological changes that are completely normal in women and symptoms can look different for each person. Let’s find out what happens during this transitional period and what diet is best for menopause.



What do antioxidants do?

Antioxidants burst onto the health scene many years ago. Since then, you can find all kinds of products claiming to be full of them, from skincare to smoothies. But what are antioxidants in the first place? What do antioxidants do, and do we really need them? We cut through the jargon to get to the truth about these mysterious molecules.



What does vitamin D do for our physical and mental health?

Each time we find ourselves outside, exposed to the sun's rays, one of our bodies' responses is to produce vitamin D. Let’s investigate everything you need to know about this unique vitamin, and what vitamin D does for our overall health, wellbeing and even athletic performance!



What foods are high in antioxidants?

A whole host of health products claim to be brimming with antioxidants, but why? Let’s take a look at examples of foods high in antioxidants and their benefits towards our health.



What foods have B vitamins?

B vitamins are a whole family of nutrients that can help look after your health. We delve into each one, what it does for you and where you can find it.



What is ‘clean eating’?

It’s a divisive term in the world of nutrition, but what is clean eating? In this article, we’ll try to give a balanced view of clean eating and our stance on it here at Erbology.

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What is a blue zone?

Blue Zones are special geographical areas in the world where people live longer, but what is the secret to their longevity? Let's find out what Blue Zones are and what we can learn from the centenarians who live there.

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What is an Ayurveda Diet?

The Ayurveda diet aims to improve our health and wellbeing by promoting internal balance. But what exactly does that mean, and is it an effective approach? Let’s find out.



What is biodynamic farming?

Finely ground quartz mixed with water and packed into a cow’s horn, oak bark stuffed into the skull of a farm animal and buried underground… Believe it or not, these are methods used in a specific type of farming. With more and more farmers choosing to use their land this way, what is biodynamic farming? And could it actually help to work against the dangers of modern industrial farming?



What is Chinese medicine?

To a Western audience, Chinese medicine can seem quite mysterious. If you’ve ever been into a Chinese pharmacy, you’ll already know that there are literally thousands of herbs and treatments on offer. Yet there is much to learn from this ancient medical system. So, what is Chinese medicine, and can we apply it in the modern day to help support our wellbeing?
