

What is refined sugar, and why is it bad for you?

Sweets, cakes, processed foods, ready meals… one of the reasons that we think of treats like these as unhealthy options is their high levels of refined sugar. Over recent years, the media has turned it into a buzzword and demonised it as the root of many health problems. But just what is refined sugar, and how is it different from the sugars you’d find in fruit, for example? What is it that makes it so bad for us?



What is reverse dieting?

If you want to lose weight for health or aesthetic reasons, there are a plethora of different options out there to help you do so. However, a diet which promises that you can eat more while maintaining a low weight is surely the most appealing of them all! But what is reverse dieting, is it good for you, and can it ever actually work for weight loss?



What is spirulina?

With its bright colour, distinctive flavour, and wealth of potential health benefits, spirulina is taking the world by storm. So, what is spirulina? How can it boost your wellbeing? And what’s the best way to add it to your diet? In this article, we cover everything you need to know about this exciting ingredient.



What is squalene and its health benefits?

If you’re no stranger to beauty products you’re likely to have come across squalene in various skincare and cosmetics products. But what is squalene and does it have health benefits for your skin?



What is sustainable farming?

Lots of companies talk about it, but what is sustainable farming? In this article, we break down what the term actually means, and how you can spot products which make use of sustainable farming practices.



What is sustainable food packaging?

What constitutes sustainable food packaging and why is it such an important part of the sustainable food agenda?

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What is the best diet for heart health?

Find out how what you eat in your diet can affect your heart, and what is the best diet for heart health.

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What is the best diet for PCOS?

Polycystic ovary syndrome can manifest in different ways amongst women. From irregular periods to difficulty conceiving, PCOS doesn’t need to be a burden you carry alone. Let’s discuss what is the best diet for PCOS.



What is the best essential oil for anxiety?

Curious about using an essential oil for anxiety? You’ve come to the right place! In this article, we discuss how essential oils can help with anxiety, which fragrances to pick, and the most effective ways to incorporate them into your lifestyle. Relaxation awaits…



What is the best herbal viagra?

Herbal viagra is a name given to a variety of herbal products that claim to treat erectile dysfunction. So, do they work and if so, what is the best herbal viagra?
