

Genmaicha: Brown rice tea benefits

Among the many things we adore about green tea is the amazing variety of styles out there to choose from. And today, we want to share one of our new favourites with you: genmaicha tea. Also known as brown rice green tea, it has a warm, nutty flavour with a hint of sweetness we’re sure you’ll love. On top of which, genmaicha tea offers a wealth of potential health benefits. So, pop the kettle on and let’s get started!



What is hojicha? And how to make a delicious hojicha latte

Are you a fan of green tea? Us too! And one variety we’ve recently fallen in love with is hojicha. With its characteristic smoky scent, mellow nutty undertones, and low caffeine content, this roasted tea has a lot to offer. Plus, enjoying a cup can bring you a wealth of potential health benefits. In this article, we introduce you to the delights of hojicha tea. We’re sure it will be on your must-try list by the time you reach the end!



What is spirulina?

With its bright colour, distinctive flavour, and wealth of potential health benefits, spirulina is taking the world by storm. So, what is spirulina? How can it boost your wellbeing? And what’s the best way to add it to your diet? In this article, we cover everything you need to know about this exciting ingredient.



Whole mushrooms vs mushroom extracts

Are you interested in trying medicinal mushrooms, but unsure about whether to choose a mushroom extract or whole mushroom powder? This article is here to help. It discusses the key differences between the two types of product, as well as the pros and cons of each. Hopefully this will enable you to decide which is the most appropriate for your needs. So, let’s explore the world of these fabulous fungi!



Medicinal mushrooms: Q&A

The world of medicinal mushrooms can be a confusing one to navigate, so this article is here to guide you! We’ve provided answers to some of the most common questions we get asked about these fabulous fungi. That includes how they could benefit you, the differences between various types of mushroom products, and how to take them.



What’s the difference between whole mushrooms and mushroom extracts?

Are you interested in trying medicinal mushrooms, but unsure about whether to choose a mushroom extract or whole mushroom powder? This article is here to help. It discusses the key differences between the two types of product, as well as the pros and cons of each. Hopefully this will enable you to decide which is the most appropriate for your needs. So, let’s explore the world of these fabulous fungi!

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How to take triphala

As one of the most important herbal preparations in the Ayurvedic tradition, practitioners believe triphala offers us a bounty of potential health benefits. Yet to harness these, we first need to know exactly how to take triphala. This article goes into more detail about what triphala is and how it can boost wellbeing. We’ll then explain the most effective ways to use it. By the end, you should be ready to enjoy the advantages of this potent polyherbal remedy for yourself!

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Does rosemary water help with hair growth?

More and more people are swearing by the use of rosemary water for hair growth. But does this natural remedy really live up to the hype? Let’s find out. In this article, we investigate how rosemary can benefit your hair, and discuss the most effective ways to utilise it. We’ve also got some advice on other techniques to care for your locks, plus additional uses for rosemary water.



All about herbal water

Interested in herbal water but not sure where to start? In this article, we talk about what herbal water is, and some of the many benefits different fragrances can offer. Plus, we discuss a variety of simple yet effective ways to utilise it.



What is folate deficiency?

Ensuring you get sufficient vitamins and minerals is a key part of staying healthy, and today we’re going to focus on the issue of folate deficiency. In this article, we first look at what folate is in more detail. Then we cover some common causes of folate deficiency, as well as the sort of symptoms you might experience. We also recommend plenty of delicious whole foods you can include in your diet to ensure you get enough of this vital vitamin.
