
Is it true that Jerusalem artichoke can help lower cholesterol?

3 years agoUpdated

Jerusalem artichoke may help bring the fat in your blood into proper line. The prebiotics in these tubers also help your body process and use dietary fats in the most efficient way. These two factors combined make Jerusalem artichoke a good plant-based way to help promote healthy blood cholesterol levels.

If you want to know more, check out our article on Jerusalem artichokes, which contains information about research into how this plant may help you maintain your wellbeing.


(1) Munim et al, “An Analysis of the Composition, Health Benefits, and Future Market Potential of the Jerusalem Artichoke in Canada”, Journal of Food Research, August 2017, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/319214491_An_Analysis_of_the_Composition_Health_Be nefits_and_Future_Market_Potential_of_the_Jerusalem_Artichoke_in_Canada